Archive for November, 2009

Twelve Traditions of Christmas

Hey, everyone! I’m here to ask you to tell me about any traditions that you and your family have for Christmas. I have a couple to share, but certainly not twelve! If I get twelve traditions, I’ll share them over the twelve days of Christmas. Please please share with me! Thanks!


Hey, everybody! I’m in the middle of deciding whether I want to use wordpress, blogger, or both. In the meantime… I guess I’ve kinda neglected ya’ll, haven’t I? All of last week I posted on my blogger: so you can go there to see what I said. Please also tell me which blog YOU like better and find it easier to follow. You can comment on either blog or both! TTYL!

Several Random Topics

Topic 1: My blog. I still have one! I don’t know how many of you even noticed, but yesterday I did not have a blog. It was deactivated due to a violation of the terms of service… leaving me somewhat panicky and rather angry and heartbroken. I reread the terms of service and didn’t see anything wrong, but when I read the message that came up when I tried logging in it was talking about advertising. The closest thing I could come up with is all of my cool little buttons on the side of my blog. BUT EVERYBODY HAS THOSE, I protested. I emailed wordpress within minutes of discovering my problem. Their reply wasn’t as quick as it could have been, but the problem was resolved. There’s a website which I shall not name (Due to the fact that even linking to them will shut me down again) who does wordpress themes but they have junk in their codes. I tried using one of their themes and got shut down in consequence. BUT I changed over to a wordpress theme that’s actually here on wordpress, and here I go again! SO happy!

Now for topic #2! I am getting into this habit of posting lyrics to songs that have music I don’t agree with, but I wanted to share this song from Fireproof. It’s written by John Waller. Again, I do not support the type of music that is used with this song, but I wanted to share the lyrics:

I’m waiting
I’m waiting on You, Lord
And I am hopeful
I’m waiting on You, Lord
Though it is painful
But patiently, I will wait

I will move ahead, bold and confident
Taking every step in obedience
While I’m waiting
I will serve You
While I’m waiting
I will worship
While I’m waiting
I will not faint
I’ll be running the race
Even while I wait

That’s just the first verse and chorus, but that’s the best part anyhow, so there you have it! I think that the lines that really mean the most to me are where it says, “I will move ahead…” and “I’ll be running in the race even while I wait” It’s so easy for me to just stop and wait for God to make the next move when I should be pressing on!

Now that I’ve mentioned Fireproof, I’ll move on to my third topic: Courageous. I’m sure you all know about this movie by now, but just in case you don’t, Courageous is the next film that Sherwood Pictures is going to do. I’m really excited to see how it goes. It’s about… I wanna say 4 cops, but I’m not positive about that. Anyhow, it’ll be a “police movie” as Seth would call it. 😀
Now this may make ya’ll think that I’m totally nuts, but I’m not really happy with the way that Sherwood has gone about advertising for their new movie. I realize that the more viewers they have, the better. I just feel like the way they’ve gone about it is SO in tune with the ways of the world. Why aren’t they just stepping aside and trusting God to bring in the necessary viewers and money? Do any of you have thoughts on this? Feel free to call me a jerk… It won’t change anything, but if it makes you feel better, go right ahead!

So there’s my three topics for the day. 🙂 You know, I love blogging, but it’s even more fun when I get comments! So please be sure to let me know you dropped by!


YouTube Tuesday… On the News

Here are a couple of funny videos that have to do with the news. =D

For the icing on the cake… I laugh EVERY time I see this one!!!

5 W’s and an H, Google style

You know how Google has that handy little search thingy that always thinks it knows what you’re typing in? Well here are the top ten of each of the five w’s and the h. (I’m going to leave all of them in… we’ll see how it goes) Have you ever wanted to know…


  1. Why do men have nipples?
  2. Why is the sky blue?
  3. Why?
  4. Why do cats purr?
  5. Why do dogs eat grass?
  6. Why did the chicken cross the road?
  7. Why do dogs eat poop?
  8. Why is there a dead Pakistani on my couch?
  9. Why did I get married?


  1. Who is? (I really don’t know! LOL)
  2. Who wants to be a millionaire?
  3. Who wants to be a millionaire online game
  4. Who is big poppa on real housewives of atlanta? (Wow… that’s interesting. LOL)
  5. Who won Megan wants a millionaire?
  6. Who is my congressman?
  7. Who says lyrics
  8. Who invented the internet? (I ❤ whoever it was!!! LOL)
  9. Who won America’s Got Talent 2009?
  10. Who moved my cheese? (OOOOOkaay…)


  1. What is my ip? (tsk tsk… everyone should know that! =P I almost have ours memorized after setting up our internet and time capsule etc.)
  2. What does my name mean?
  3. What not to wear
  4. You know… I said I wasn’t going to skip anything even if it wasn’t really that great… well, I changed my mind.
  5. What is my ip address? (Ooo… new phrasing!)
  6. What is twitter?
  7. What to do when you’re bored
  8. What time is it? (DUDE, if you’re on a computer googling this, the time should be right in front of you!!!)
  9. What is (Anyone know? [without using google!])
  10. What is love?

Where? (Apparently we have a wild thing problem)

  1. Where the Wild Things Are
  2. Where the Wild Things Are trailer
  3. Where the Wild Things Are book
  4. Where the Wild Things Are soundtrack
  5. Where the Wild Things Are movie
  6. Where’s Waldo? (HA I know!)
  7. (Any of you done this? Kinda… interesting. LOL)
  8. Where the Wild Things Are costume
  9. Where the Wild Things Are review
  10. Where the Wild Things Are book online


  1. When is daylight savings 2009?
  2. When will I die?
  3. When is labor day?
  4. When will the world end?
  5. When is Easter 2010?
  6. When does daylight savings end 2009?
  7. When does daylight savings time end?
  8. When does the hangover come out on dvd?
  9. When is thanksgiving day 2009?
  10. When does New Moon come out?


  1. How to tie a tie
  2. How I met your mother
  3. How to kiss
  4. How to get pregnant
  5. how to
  6. How stuff works
  7. How to lose weight fast
  8. How to write a resume
  9. How to lose weight
  10. How long does weed stay in your system?

Bay’s Book Blog Button

After toying around with several ideas for a button, I finally came up with something I liked for my friend Bailey. I mentioned her before in my post “The Blog Around the Corner.”


If you want the button, let me know and I’ll give you the code. Unfortunately, I lost my code for putting a code box in my post…

The Looking Glass

I have had several people from facebook, blogs, and forums ask me about my book, so here is a little bit about it! Today I reached 20,000 words, so that leaves 30,000 words to get in the next… 17 days? Oh, boy! I’d better go write there instead of here!!!

Title: The Looking Glass

Summary: (Subject to change! LOL)”Things are not always as they seem.” Holly and Jared’s grandfather had said to them before his death. Puzzled by his meaning, Holly and Jared go on to discover the secret behind two ordinary-looking mirrors. Finding themselves transported to another world, the pair must fight a force that seeks to destroy an entire universe – and search for a way back home.

Excerpt: ‘He was lost in the woods, and stopped at this cottage to see if anyone could help him. The old woman who opened the door was ancient looking, but beautiful. He asked if she could help him and she said, ‘Come in and have something warm to drink. I’ll see you right.’ So he went into the house. On one wall was a painting of one of the most beautiful women he had ever seen. Her hair was blacker than a starless night, and her skin was as fair and white as clean snow. He commented to the old woman about the painting and she replied, ‘Ah, yes. It is a painting of one of my ancestors. Perhaps you are familiar with her story?’ He cleared his throat and said, ‘If you’ll tell me her name, I would be better able to tell you whether or not I’m familiar with her.’ The old woman smiled and said, ‘She was called Snow White. The looking glass on the wall is the one which was once owned by the evil queen.’ He looked at her incredulously. ‘How is that possible?’ he asked. ‘There are many worlds,’ the old woman replied, ‘And the world which I come from is called Aeroth. It is the land where most of your fairy tales come from, because it is the land where every girl finds her prince charming and every lad finds his princess bride. For many, it is the land of happily ever after.’

Youtube… Thursday!

I just saw this about 30 seconds ago, but I really wanted to share it… thus a YouTube Thursday!


A fellow Rebelutionary, Buttercup, just tagged me with this, so I wanted to do it before I forget!

Are you…

a Christian? Yes!

a good listener? Depends who’s talking

a good friend? I try. You’ll have to ask my friends about my success

artistic? Sometimes

funny? ALL the time! (As I am reminded daily by various people)

good conversation starter? Most of the time

crazy? Just a little

random? You have no idea…

communicative? Most of the time

loving? Of course!

clumsy? I have my moments…

happy? Yes!

athletic? Not really

excellent in school? Nope, just certain subjects

an animal lover? Nah

sister? Yup!

brother? *ahem* That would be awkward, considering my last answer!

daughter? Yes

son? No.

caring? I think so. Maybe not so much as some people, though.

technology challenged? Not usually

techno-freak? No.

respectful? Inside or outside? =P Usually both, but sometimes just on the outside.

a movie lover? Yes

book worm? Oh, yeah!!!

attentive? Um… no.

responsible? Yes. (mostly)

honest? What’s honest? LOL I’m kidding… I’m honest most of the time. Even when a polite lie would be better.

fantastic? Nah.

It’s National Novel Writing Month!

It’s National Novel Writing Month! (Or NaNoWriMo) There are a couple of websites where you can attempt to write a novel in just 30 days… or, seeing that I’m so tardy in telling you about this, in 24 days. I’m going to to write my story & you can find my profile and some information on my book by looking up ramblinrose506 on that site. Please drop by if you care to and maybe even give it a go yourself! I have two buddies so far, and I’d love to have more!